Redemption. Status: "In Progress"
Speaking for myself, giving up control does not come easily. It never has. I constantly need to know, need to understand, need to make sense of things. I am that person who is constantly checking the status of my package deliveries, overanalyzing every interaction I have, needing to understand the why behind everything. The phrase "let it lie" has never resonated with me and I have certainly never been good at it...until Sunny came along. As I have previously mentioned, I learned pretty quickly (and learned the hard way, tbh) that I was not in control. Nothing I did or could do would change the trajectory of God's plan for Sunny's life. I had to take the backseat and be okay witnessing His plan for her life unfold the way it was always meant to. I didn't understand (and still don't) why everything happened the way it did. I had to stop overanalyzing and overthinking every single possible outcome for her life (and there were a lot of possibilities). Trying to make sense of things was exhausting and frankly - useless. I gave up control and surrendered to the One who is in control. And now here we are - 6 months without our Sunny. These past 6 months have been full of all kinds of conflicting feelings and emotions - heartache, sadness, gratitude, joy, anger, peace, confusion...the list goes on and on. I never knew you could simultaneously experience such joy and heartache all at once. If I'm being honest, there have been plenty of times where I yearn for some balance and understanding of all of this. Let's face it, we all love a good redemption story; David and Goliath, Miracle on Ice, any classic underdog story. We love to witness redemption. We crave balance to right wrongs, erase mistakes and cancel out conflict. So I ask, why were we asked to walk through this valley of infant loss? Why have we been chosen to experience this unique and intense heartache? Where is my redemption?!